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Lynn Chandhok ~ Bio

The View from Zero Bridge, my first book, won the 2006 Philip Levine Prize and was published by Anhinga Press in October 2007. My poetry has appeared widely in journals including The New Republic, Tin House, The Antioch Review, The Hudson Review, The Missouri Review, Prairie Schooner, and Sewanee Theological Review. A limited edition letter-press chapbook, Picking the Flowers, was published by Aralia Press in 2007. My work has been featured on Poetry Daily and in the anthology Poetry Daily Essentials 2007.

In 2006, I received the Morton Marr Poetry Prize (Southwest Review); I was a Distinguished Entry in the Campbell Corner Prize (Sarah Lawrence College); and I was a runner-up for the Spoon River Poetry Review Editor's Prize.

The View from Zero Bridge was a semifinalist for the 2005 Walt Whitman Prize (Academy of American Poets) and in the same year a finalist for the Beatrice Hawley Prize, the Colorado Prize, and the Agha Shahid Ali Prize. In 2006, it was a finalist for the T.S. Eliot Prize, the Donald Justice Prize, the Prairie Schooner Prize, the Crab Orchard Series in Poetry First Book Prize, the Ontario Prize, the Benjamin Saltman Prize, and the Stan and Tom Wick Prize, as well as a semifinalist for the Agnes Starrett Lynch Prize, the University of Wisconsin's Brittingham/Pollack Prize, and the Saturnalia Prize, among others.

I grew up in Pittsburgh and spent many childhood summers in Kashmir. I received my B.A. in English Literature from Swarthmore College and later completed the Teacher Training Course at the Shady Hill School and a master's degree in teaching from Tufts University.

I teach high school English in Brooklyn, New York, where I live with my husband, Robert Dieterich, a journalist, and our two daughters, Meena and Priya. When I can get away from Brooklyn, you'll find me in Sargakhet, near Mukteshwar, a small town in the Kumaon region of the Himalayan foothills in the state of Uttarakhand, India.

Photo of Lynn Chandhok

Photo: Richard Bowditch

